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TV Séries - blog download - megaupload - rapidshare: The X-Files

sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009

The X-Files

Sinopse: Arquivo X é uma série de ficção científica, criada em 1993 por Chris Carter.

A série conta a história de dois agentes do FBI que procuram cegamente pela verdade. Durante os 9 anos em que os agentes trabalham com os arquivos X (arquivos sem explicação “abandonados” pelo FBI), eles já se depararam com ETs (o assunto principal da série), conspirações governamentais, e todo o tipo de prova, rapidamente omitida, de que o governo dos Estados Unidos está escondendo a verdade do povo: ETs existem e pretendem invadir a Terra, colonizar a raça humana.

Os dois agentes são o agente especial Fox Mulder e a agente especial Dana Scully. Mulder era considerado um dos melhores agentes do FBI, até achar os arquivos X. Traumatizado pela perda da irmã, que foi abduzida quando ele tinha 12 anos, ele se interessou e muito por tais arquivos. O cara era meio paranóico, se assim quiserem chamar, acreditava em absolutamente tudo, desde lobisomens até formigas comedoras de gente, portanto passou a investigar tais arquivos, que outros agentes do FBI não queriam investigar, por sua natureza sobrenatural. Os seus colegas passaram a chamá-lo de “o estranho”, desde então.

Scully, que então lecionava na academia do FBI, foi designada para trabalhar com Mulder, dar uma explicação racional para cada caso, e assim, quem sabe, tirar Mulder dali. No entanto isso foi meio impossível de se fazer, simplesmente porque não havia explicação racional para tais casos. Scully acabou as poucos acreditando nas teorias de Mulder. (sem nunca deixar de dizer “Deve haver uma explicação científica pra isso”).

1a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

1×01 - Pilot -> Megaupload1 - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace

1×02 - Deep Throat -> Sendspace1
- Megaupload - Egoshare - Picshome - Sendspace2
1×03 - Squeeze -> Sendspace1 - Megaupload - Egoshare - Picshome - Sendspace2
1×04 - Conduit
-> Megaupload1 - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×05 - The Jersey Devil
-> Sendspace1 - Megaupload - Egoshare - Picshome - Sendspace2
1×06 - Shadows
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×07 - Ghost in the Machine
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×08 - Ice
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×09 - Space
-> Sendspace - Megaupload - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace2
1×10 - Fallen Angel
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×11 - EVE
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×12 - Fire
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×13 - Beyond the Sea
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×14 - Gender Bender
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×15 - Lazarus
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Picshome - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×16 - Young at Heart
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×17 - E.B.E.
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×18 - Miracle Ma
n -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×19 - Shapes -
> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×20 - Darkness F
alls -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×21 - Tooms
-> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×22 - Born Aga
in -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×23 - Rola
nd -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace
1×24 - The Erlenmey
er Flask (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Filefactory - Egoshare - Sendspace

2a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

2.01 - Little Green Men -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.02 - The Host
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.03 - Blood
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.04 - Sleepless
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.05 - Duane Barry
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.06 - Ascension
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.07 - 3
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.08 - One Breath
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.09 - Firewalker
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.10 - Red Museum
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.11 - Excelsius Dei
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.12 - Aubrey
-> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
2.13 - Irresistible -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
2.14 - Die Hand Die Verletzt -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
2.15 - Fresh Bones -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
2.16 - Colony -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
2.17 - End Game -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
2.18 - Fearful Symmetry -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
2.19 - Dod Kalm -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
2.20 - Humbug -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2.21 - The Calusari -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2.22 - F. Emasculata -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2.23 - Soft Light -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2.24 - Our Town -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2.25 - Anasazi (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02

3a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

3.01 - The Blessing Way -> Megaupload
3.02 - Paper Clip
-> Megaupload
3.03 - D.P.O
-> Megaupload
3.04 - Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose
-> Megaupload
3.05 - The List
-> Megaupload
3.06 - 2Shy
-> Megaupload
3.07 - The Walk
-> Megaupload
3.08 - Oubliette
-> Megaupload
3.09 - Nisei
-> Megaupload
3.10 - 731
-> Megaupload
3.11 - Revelations
-> Megaupload
3.12 - War Of The Coprophages
-> Megaupload
3.13 - Syzygy
-> Megaupload
3.14 - Grotesque
-> Megaupload
3.15 - Piper Maru
-> Megaupload
3.16 - Apocrypha
-> Megaupload
3.17 - Pusher
-> Megaupload
3.18 - Teso Dos Bichos
-> Megaupload
3.19 - Hell Money
-> Megaupload
3.20 - Jose Chung’s From Outer Space
-> Megaupload
3.21 - Avatar
-> Megaupload
3.22 - Quagmire
-> Megaupload
3.23 - Wetwired
-> Megaupload
3.24 - Talitha Cumi (Season Finale)
-> Megaupload

4a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

4.01- Herrenvolk
-> Sendspace
4.02- Home
-> Sendspace
4.03- Teliko
-> Sendspace
4.04- Unruhe
-> Sendspace
4.05- The Field Where I Died
-> Sendspace
4.06- Sanguinarium
-> Sendspace
4.07- Musings Of A Cigarette-Smoking Man
-> Sendspace
4.08 - Tunguska/
Terma -> Sendspace
4×09 - Terma -> Sendspace
4.10- Paper Hearts -> Sendspace
4.11- El Mundo Gira
-> Sendspace
4.12 - Leonard Betts -> Sendspace

4.13 - Never Again
-> Sendspace
4.14 - Memento Mori
-> Sendspace
4.15 - Kaddish
-> Sendspace
4.16 - Unrequited
-> Sendspace
4.17 - Tempus Fugit
-> Sendspace
4.18 - Max
-> Sendspace
4.19 - Synchrony
-> Sendspace
4.20 - Small Potatoes
-> Sendspace
4.21 - Zero Sum
-> Sendspace
4.22 - Elegy
-> Sendspace
4.23 - Demons
-> Sendspace
4.24 - Gethsemane
-> Sendspace

5a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

5.01 - Redux -> Megaupload
5.02 - Redux II
-> Megaupload
5.03 - Unusual Suspects
-> Megaupload
5.04 - Detour
-> Megaupload
5.05 - Post-Modern Prometheus
-> Megaupload
5.06 - Christmas Carol
-> Megaupload
5.07 - Emily
-> Megaupload
5.08 - Kitsunegari
-> Megaupload
5.09 - Schizogeny
-> Megaupload
5.10 - Chinga
-> Megaupload
5.11 - Kill Switch
-> Megaupload
5.12 - Bad Blood
-> Megaupload
5.13 - Patient X
-> Megaupload
5.14 - The Red and the Black
-> Megaupload
5.15 - Travelers
-> Megaupload
5.16 - Mind’s Eye
-> Megaupload
5.17 - All Souls
-> Megaupload
5.18 - The Pine Bluff Variant
-> Megaupload
5.19 - Folie a Deux
-> Megaupload
5.20 - The End ((Season Finale))
-> Megaupload

6a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

6×00 - Filme - Fight The Future -> Filefront (Este filme é para ser visto entre a 5ª e 6ª temporada.)

Ep.01 -> Megaupload
-> Megaupload
Ep.03 -> Megaupload
Ep.04 -> Adrive - Sharedzilla - Nakido
-> Megaupload
Ep.06 -> Megaupload
Ep.07 -> Megaupload
Ep.08 -> Megaupload
Ep.09 -> Megaupload
Ep.10 -> Megaupload
Ep.11 -> Megaupload
Ep.12 -> Megaupload
Ep.13 -> Megaupload
Ep.14 -> Megaupload
Ep.15 -> Megaupload
Ep.16 -> Megaupload
Ep.17 -> Megaupload
Ep.18 -> Megaupload
Ep.19 -> Megaupload
Ep.20 -> Megaupload
Ep.21 -> Megaupload
Ep.22 -> Megaupload

7a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

7×01 - The Sixth Extinction (1) -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×02 - The Sixth Extinction (2) -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×03 - Hungry -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×04 - Millennium -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×05 - Rush -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×06 - The Goldberg Variation -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×07 - Orison -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×08 - The Amazing Maleeni -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×09 - Signs And Wonders -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×10 - Sein Und Zeit -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×11 - Closure -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×12 - X-Cops -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×13 - First Person Shooter -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×14 - Theef -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×15 - En Ami -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×16 - Chimera -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×17 - All Things -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×18 - Brand X -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×19 - Hollywood A. D. -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×20 - Fight Club -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×21 - Je Souhaite -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido
7×22 - Requiem (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Flyupload - Nakido

8a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

s8e1 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e2 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e3 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e4 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e5 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e6 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e7 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e8 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e9 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e10 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e11 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e12 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e13 -> Megaupload
s8e14 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e15 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e16 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e17 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e18 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e19 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e20 -> Megaupload - Sendspace
s8e21 -> Megaupload - Sendspace

9a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

s9e1 -> Megaupload
s9e2 -> Megaupload
s9e3 -> Megaupload
s9e4 -> Megaupload
s9e5 -> Megaupload
s9e6 -> Megaupload
s9e7 -> Megaupload
s9e8 -> Megaupload
s9e9 -> Megaupload
s9e10 -> Megaupload
s9e11 -> Megaupload
s9e12 -> Megaupload
s9e13 -> Megaupload
s9e14 -> Megaupload
s9e15 -> Megaupload
s9e16 -> Megaupload
s9e17 -> Megaupload
s9e18 -> Megaupload
s9e19/20 -> Megaupload

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